World-Renowned Groomers Charla Hill & Kari Hill & Pet Groomer Jill Mashburn lead a 2-day, hands-on workshop.
Learn to groom like a pro!
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Bring your Scotties!
SATURDAY, JULY 20: 11:00 AM - 6 PM
Set-up starts at 10:30AM.
Grooming Workshop agenda to come. Grooming instruction booklet included in fee.
Lunch will be served.
6:30PM: Dinner at Village Tavern near the hotel, corner of Stratford Rd. and Hanes Mall Blvd., 2000 Griffith Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Cost not covered by the Club. Cash bar.
SUNDAY, JULY 21: 10 AM - 2 PM
Grooming Workshop agenda to come. Grooming instruction booklet included in fee.
Coffee and breakfast goodies will be served.
Hand Stripping Workshop Price for 2 Days: $125 per person
Pet Grooming Workshop Price for 2 Days: $75 per person
Spectator Price for 2 Days: $40 per person
DISCOUNT HOTEL RATES HAVE CLOSED. The recommended hotel is La Quinta, 2020 Griffith Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. If you booked by July 5, you should receive the discounted rates. When you check in, make sure you reference the Scottish Terrier Club of the Piedmont to ensure you are charged the discount rates (84.60 plus tax. 2 dogs per room limit. No dog fees). Phone: (336) 765-8777, press #5 for the front desk.
Your dog, crates, grooming table with arm, stool, knives and or stones, clippers (Andis, Oster and Wahl are recommended) with adjustable blades (e.g. A10, A7, A40) , brush, slicker brush, steel comb with medium and coarse tines, pin brush, straight edge shears, thinning shears, chair, your dogs’ vaccination records: Rabies and Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus (DHPP) are required. Bordetella (commonly called “kennel cough”) and Canine Influenza are strongly recommended.
We will have a “Give a Tool, Take a Tool” table at the event. Bring any excess grooming equipment you no longer use and trade it for something you need.
Email with questions.