What Owners Need to Know
Source: The Scottish Terrier Club of America
If you've been owned by a Scottie - then you know. For anyone who has not previously had a Scottish Terrier, here is some information about this wonderful and unique breed. We highly recommend you visit some STCA breeders and meet Scotties and their owners. A trip to a local dog show is a great idea. But note, it is best to talk to the person showing a dog after they have shown. Before hand - they can be quite busy getting ready.
Photo Credit: Siobhan Olson
Scotties are different than many dogs - which is one reason you will find their owners so attached. They are independent and strong willed, sometimes aloof and certainly intelligent. At the same time, they are sensitive and can be very attached to their owners. Scotties can be a challenge to train, not because they are not quick and intelligent, but because they may have a different 'opinion.' They react much better to positive reinforcement training techniques. Scotties may get bored during extended training - so they will do better with short, positive and fun, lessons. One thing for sure - training a Scottie will be fun and full of laughter.
The Scottish Terrier is happy inside or outside, but will be happier with you than alone. A secure place in a home with human companionship and understanding are essential to his well being, as well as his happiness. Scotties must be in fenced yards - they have a very strong hunting instinct and will go after anything they consider prey (including a dog much larger than they). Except for very special cases - like working in a earthdog event or during obediance, agility or some similiar - your Scottie should always be on leash. This is not a dog that is scared to explore. In the dog park - Scotties are not a happy go lucky, get along with anybody, dog. They will not back down from an aggressvie dog. Electric dog fences are not appropriate for Scotties. They are pain tolerant and will easily accept the shock to chase prey out of the fence - but will then be "locked out".
Photo Credit: Siobhan Olson
Another important factor, Scotties cannot swim! If you pick up a Scottie, you will find they are dense and heavy. With short legs and a heavy head - they cannot swim well and can easily drown (and do).
By nature aloof, the Scottie may not be overly friendly to strangers. For his the family his devotion is deep and life long.
Pamela Wagner’s Ch. Betsy Ross
Scotties are truely a "big dog" in a small package. Just look at those teeth - bigger than you might expect!. They have very little fear and will not back down from challenges by much larger animals.
You will find Quality Scottie Breeders are a picky and devoted bunch. Many will require an extensive application and visits to the breeder are highly recommended. Their goal is that you and their puppy are happy and they may require a home visit. Good breeders will always be willing to take their Scottie back at any time if it does not work out.
Here is some more information for you to consider.
Photo Credit: Siobhan Olson
Personality- Though extremely loyal and attahced to their people, Scotties will want to do things on their terms. They are unlike most dogs because of this singular trait. Some Scotties like to sit in your lap, but often as not they just want to be nearby, but not too nearby. A true pub dog - the Scottie may be happier laying near your feet than on your lap.
Home Alone- Scotties are dependent upon being with people. It may seem strange, given their independent personality, but they like to be around their family. It is neither fair, nor healthy, to leave a Scottie penned up, crated, or on his own in the home all day on a regular basis. If people are away for long periods arrangements should be made to return, at least every four hours, to tend to his needs. It is unsafe for many reasons to leave a Scottie out in the yard during the family’s absence. A run where they can come in and out of the house, but are safely protected/confined while outside, may be a good idea. Reputable breeders may not sell a dog that is to be left outside and will not sell a dog that will be tied.
Photo Credit: Siobhan Olson
Photo Credit: Siobhan Olson
Exercise and Play – Scotties need to run, and his favorite games are chasing thrown toys (but not necessarily returning them - he ain't no retriever), running the fence if outside critters tempt him, and playing with any other dogs. He also thrives on long walks. His favorite toys are those that appeal to his hunting instincts, things he can chew on, shake, and hide in unexpected places.
Children–Brought up with children who respect his independent nature and his rights as a living personality, the Scottie will adjust to their activities and may appoint himself as their guardian. However, his basic dignity makes him tend to shun rough and tumble games. Scotties do not like being startled, and will not put up with clumsy petting, cuddling, hair pulling or teasing.
Barking- Scotties are protective of their turf and usually bark if they sense anyone, or anything, they see as a threat. This may include postmen, deliverymen, as well as passing dogs and cats.
The Yard-A fence that cannot be jumped over, dug under, or scaled, with a locked gate, is required if the Scottie is to be let out into an unsupervised yard. Yards must be secure, flowerbeds protected, gates and doors kept locked at all times. Electric fencing will not work.
Photo Credit: Jill Mashburn
Grooming - While not considered high maintenance, every two to three months your Scottie needs some grooming. Because they do not shed - this is more than just brushing. The STCA sells a grooming manual that can help you understand how to can groom your Scottie. You may need the services of a professional groomer to strip or clip, bathe, clipper, scissor trim the coat, and cut the toenails. The coat and furnishings must be home brushed regularly.
Knuckles Bell owned by Charlie and Laura Bell
Boredom - Scotties are on their best behavior when the option to interact with their humans is present. If left alone for long periods, they will seek ways to wile away the time, sometimes in manners you may not approve of.
Other House Pets - Properly managed, a Scottie may fit in with other animals. But this is an important consideration because a Scottie has natural prey instincts, and will fight to the end to protect himself if set upon by another animal.